Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bloopers and Serial Killers

The last time I was in new York, it was April and cold.

I had been staying with my daughter in law who has a coop apartment in Mt. Vernon.
There are two identical blocks of apartments in the complex but what I did not realize is that the same key opens both security doors.(  She tells me they do this so that if for example  the laundromat is not working in one complex they can go over to the other.

I did not know that and in my anxiety to get out of the cold, I  had run into the wrong block.

Unfortunately too,  the apartments have the same numbers and same location so I was totally discombobulated when my  key would not open the door. (I had never had a problem with the key before).

 After several frustrated tries, I started banging on the door impatiently as my grandson was at home. You can imagine my shock when the door opened and I was confronted by a startled Indian man dressed in shorts and no shirt.

He demanded to know what I wanted and I mumbled something and shamefacedly hurried  away from the door, thinking to myself how lucky I was that he was not a serial killer who dragged me into his apartment, had his way with me, (as often described  in murder mystery novels) then hacked me to death before hiding me in the basement.

While all that flashed through my mind, I still could not figure where my apartment had disappeared to, after all, it was the same number and same location beside the elevator and the same floor. Then I remembered seeing another apartment block looking the same and went back into the cold to try and  figure it out.

I did and have been thanking my lucky starts ever since then that  serial killers exist more in the movies than in real life!

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