Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I thought when your grand kids went off to university you would be so old you would have one foot in the grave ! Well maybe I am and just do not know it for last week my grandson Shadrach started at St. Leos university in Florida.

 This  is the oldest Catholic university in the USA and would probably have not been my first choice. My first choice would have been Pace University which is one of the top universities in the world and one to which Shadrach got a good scholarship. Problem,  it is in New York and like myself he hates New York. So he opted for this other one to which he also got a scholarship.

Anyway where you get your first degree is no big thing for can you remember where Obama got his first degree?

I knew you couldn't for it is where you specialize that makes the difference.

Anyway it is a small university with a beautiful campus having even a little lake, landscaped green areas and some of the largest oak trees covered with an  attractive parasite looking like beards.

 I am sure he will be very happy and very successful there.

It is not far from Tampa, just 45 minutes drive so I will be visiting him from time to time. Besides we have friends nearby ( in Florida terms) and he even has an invitation for the Thanksgiving weekend already.

Yup...getting old fi true

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