Monday, September 16, 2013

Well Deserved Honour

My brother, Dr. Bernard Marshall, OB/GYN, got a well deserved honour from his old Alma Mater Cornwall College for his support over the years to the institution through the old boys association. Bernie is a  second generation Marshall to have attended that all boy's institution and some years ago he set up an annual scholarship to send two poor kids to that noble institution in memory of our late dad Joubert Marshall.

So this weekend he came home to attend the banquet to receive his award as one of this year's Men of Might". Well done bro.


Of course I went down to Silver Sands, not to see him get the award (as the award banquet was not open to non-Cornwallians) but to go to the beach, go fishing, play dominoes and reconnect with him.

 The sea was ultra calm on Saturday and Al had beginners luck catching 10 fish including an eel while I only caught only 3, and Bernie 5 but the sea was just great for swimming afterwards and I really enjoyed it as usual.

That afternoon, the weather changed and a super lightening storm started around 3 pm. I have never seen so much lightening or heard so such thunder in my short life! This was followed by a brief shower of rain accompanied by lots of breeze, but luckily that bad patch was over within half an hour.

By the end of Saturday night  however, I had gotten two six loves and never even gave one. Sunday was not much better except I did give back one this time. But what the heck, we give them and we get them and the weekend was absolutely wonderful as usual. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely. There are only two kinds of people in the world. First you have Cornwall College boys who are the pinnacle of everything great and walk in the air wearing Jesus-style sandals. After that you have everybody else bundled up together who should thank their stars they are not confined to making sandals.
