Saturday, October 19, 2013


I thought totalitarianism was decisively defeated with with the overthrow of Pol Pot in 1979 but clearly some of the crumbs were blown in the wind to Jamaica landed on  representatives Dayton Campbell and Richard Parchment.

For what else could explain their attempt to have government pursue those who use a legal product in the privacy of their own home?  Not even James Otis' internationally accepted  philosophy that "A man's home is his castle' seems good enough for these legislators!

I have not smoked for many years and have absolutely no desire to again be tied to that product, but what possible leg can these men stand on in trying to outlaw the use of a legal product in the privacy of ones home? And what would be the next step, the establishment of a  special police squad to go into people's homes to see if the water they drink has the correct  ph balance or that parents only feed their kids on healthy foods (defined by them of course!)?

Anyway, since I maintain that the glass is always half full, these gentlemen have  probably done the nation a good deed by reminding us of the words of the great Desmond Tutu himself that "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

Thank God for those members of the special select committee reviewing the Tobacco Control regulations  who stood firm against the dangerous position proposed by Parchment and Campbell in  the house of parliament recently.

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