Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Looking into the future

On Sunday, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) pleasantly surprised the Jamaican people by having a peaceful and apparently fair election. Surprised everyone I say, as so many of the older, influential persons in the party had been totally against an electoral challenge to the leader Andrew Holness because of their culture of  allowing only the elites in the party to select the leaders, thus opening up of the system to allow delegates to decide was to them totally unacceptable to them.

Their vitriol on the campaign trail even indicated that they considered anyone who supported the challenger as a traitor and we all know the penalty for treachery!

It will now be very interesting  to see who makes the new shadow cabinet and even the senate as that will tell us whether the talk of uniting the party is really genuine.

Now that the process is over too, we look forward to them presenting the country with a workable alternative to the mismanagement and corruption which is the order of the day and hopefully, those who were only roused from their slumber by a leadership challenge though being well paid by taxpayers, will remain wide awake to defend the interests of the Jamaican people. 

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