Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The JLP Leadership Race

In another few days we will know who will lead the once alternative government (the JLP) to most likely, another  defeat, in the next election. Lead to another defeat I say, since the JLP has become more and more irrelevant  and unattractive over the years, so I really cannot see them ever winning power again in the near future without first going back to basics. But of course I could be wrong for as they say, a week is a long time in politics.

When Andrew Holness became leader of the JLP in 2011, many of us welcomed a bright young man who one would have expected to come with new ideas. Instead he seems to have surrounded himself with dinosaurs whose attitude has kept them miles away from the grass roots while Holness sat back and relaxed, collecting a fat pay as Leader of the Opposition while apparently just waiting on the government to become so unpopular that the people would vote them out.

Had it not been a leadership challenge to Holness, he would apparently have remained asleep, though equipped with the report outlining the reasons for the losses in the 2011 election but doing nothing to correct the problems.

Then there are the questions being raised about his possible apparent, sudden, immense wealth as being displayed in the construction of an ostentatiously vulgar mansion in Beverly hills which numerous people in the know, claim he is the owner of.

The big questions are , if Holness wins on Sunday, will he finally start to reorganize the party taking into consideration the suggestions in the report or will he promptly go back to bed? And if challenger Shaw wins, will his health hold out considering the strain that Jamaican politics can put on an individual? ( Remember, he had a few health scares when he was minister of finance after the 2007 election.)

Time will tell but it seems Jamaicans who are not stuck on any party but just the welfare of this beautiful country,  have got to start actively seeking out and supporting and building third parties which show the potential to help the country weed out the corruption for which this PNP government has become notorious, a direction from which they will apparently never deviate, unless forced by a conscious electorate. Problem is, no such parties have yet been formned!


  1. To be fair though, Andrew only received the report during the leadership challenge which has to be sorted out before the report can be analysed by the standing committee.

  2. I have never heard that before. I got the impression from his interview with Dionne Jackson-Miller that he had it long before that.
