Monday, December 2, 2013

Bowden Hill Waterfall.....again

This must have been the fourth or fifth time that we the adventurous ones of Fun and Thrills went to Bowden Hill waterfall in St. Andrew, yet we still had difficulty finding the way.

You see, because it rains so much there, the area becomes quickly and heavily overgrown and thanks to Sheriff, we were once again led astray.

It was Johann who saved the day. It is surprising though that neither Michael nor Barry knew the way considering the last time we went there and were lost by Howie (ahem!) they walked out the entire rain forest  for hours and kept finding the top of the waterfall but not the bottom! So shouldn't they know the area inside out by now? hmm.

It was a great day of riding, hiking. getting lost and friendly banter all the way however.

Alric won the comedy hour as we walked through the thick undergrowth . His son Brandon had taken a wrong turn and when he rejoined us, his father suggested that he should simply have jumped into the Hermitage dam and when he got home he would have turned on the kitchen tap to retrieve him. Then he remembered that his house was supplied by the Mona dam! lol.

Of course Bernadette could not resist the temptation of sitting in an ant's nest giving Orrel great pleasure in getting all the ants out of every part of her body.

As usual, to get there, we rode up to Red Gal Ring  where the men separated themselves from the boys and girls as Orrel, Bernadette, Michael,  Conrad and Jane George and  of course Maurice decided to ride the hilly Bowden Hill route. Even Johann, Barry and Sparkles had better sense than to tqke4 on that hill and as to me and my house, no way after the number of bad words those hills caused me to use on the previous occasion.

So the rest of us went the extremely scenic Hermitage dam route and Lisa Williams is really turning out to be a champion rider for despite the rough terrain, mud and water, she remained resolute and completed the journey.

  Theresa who will be leaving us for greener pastures soon, said she rode part of the way up to Red Gal ring but I never saw her on a bicycle on the way up! She did redeem herself however by riding from the top of Hermitage dam road to Manor Park and Chully, to show  off his high energy level, rode back up the hill to meet us after they got back to Red Gal ring and some of us were missing.

Yes it was a great ride and an energizing hike though the bushes. However I refused to get into the water, which after testing,  felt even colder than the one I had tested some years ago just below Whitfield Hall in the Blue Mountain  range. So being an unapologetic coward when it comes to cold water, I stayed far from the spray as the macho ones had a ball under the fierce, cold falls.

I wonder if the next time we go there we will be able to find our way without taking any more wrong turns?

Only time and our continued sense of adventure will tell. 


  1. Howie took the wrong route!!!!Hmmm

  2. I don't know whose advice he followed! lol

  3. What got me was that when we got to the junction in question, a lot of people were saying "this is the wrong route", including thoses leading us, and then they all proceeded down the wrong route!
