Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tessane Chin to the world

Once again a great Jamaican, this time Tessanne Chin, has shone on the world stage and demonstrated once  more that Jamaicans are world beaters.

And now, once again, we will see the politicians jumping over each other to get on her bandwagon to try and benefit from her personal achievements, something in which they played no part.

Tessaane's success has again exposed for the world to see that it is only the poor leadership which has plagued this country since independence, that has brought us to where we are. For it is poor leadership that has put us on the top of the corruption and murder pile, destroying the potential of so many of our super talented people, while the cultist followers would have us honour those who have been the architects of our destruction.

For it is the garrison politicians and their willing collaborators in the two major parties, who have brought Jamaica to the criminal level that the country has sunk to, as the  garrisons are the crime incubators in which slavery is even being practiced today with the blessings of some of our so called leaders, present and past.

Tessane's success, did not come about only because of her natural talents, but because her talents were nurtured and most importantly, because Jamaicans at home and abroad, found something to rally around.

This is where leadership comes in, for with proper leadership, we at home and abroad can bond together and become world leaders in every possible area of life.

This is why I find this determination by some politicians to limit our potential, stifle our self respect, confidence and faith in ourselves by insisting that we have to hang on to the colonial  and parochial concept of Federation, now called Caricom, to succeed in this world, so counter-productive.

For if little Singapore without a tenth of our natural and human resources can become a world leader, whats stopping us?

The answer, poor leadership, has been clear for decades but are we really prepared to shake off the shackles of lethargy and continue to accept the leadership of those who limit us, as we go into the new year?

Despite the magnificent performance of the Tessanes, Shellies, Bolts and the unexposed talents of the thousands of young Jamaicans here, plus the obvious willingness of those in the diaspora to work with us to help us succeed,  I would not hold my breath, since there is real truth in the popular saying, "without vision the people will perish."

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