Monday, March 24, 2014

Tapioka Again

Yesterday was an absolutely great day of healthy exercise, beautiful sites and sounds and wonderful camaraderie as once again we took the road to Tapioka in St. Mary. 

I rode to Castleton and decided to join the some twenty hikers who had joined us, as i wanted to capture some of the great sights in the picturesque Junction area. unfortunately, when I got to Castleton and looked in the vehicle that I had put my bag containing my camera, I heard to my horror that the bag had already gone off to Tapioca in another vehicle and the hikers had already left. It was therefore left to Gail to drive myself and Micky Chuck to catch up the walkers.

When we saw Sheila (my cousin from Canada) we came out of the vehicle and joined her. It was a nice, easy walk to Tapioka through super beautiful countryside where slender, green bamboos, fruit trees and flowers proliferate.

Despite his recent accident, Barry, our safety officer,  drove over to spend the day with us as did Jewel, her daughter Brianna and Brian Case. Michelle Lowe who has been missing in action for months, also rode over.

We were the last of the walkers and Desiree is so fit that she jogged past us then after reaching her destination, jogged back to make sure we were ok .

Another super fit person who also followed that routine was an Indian Doctor from the Chest Hospital who was travelling with us form the first time.

When we got to Tapioka, we saw Raquel holding exercise classes at the entrance for the super fit ones who had gotten there long before.
The food at the venue was very good, especially the run dung and hot chocolate, then it was off to the river to frolic.

While we opted for the swimming area in the  Ugly river  by the Devon Pen bridge, which despite the drought had enough depth for excellent swimming, some people chose the Wag Water which was quite shallow while the RIBIS who were riding back to either Castleton or Kingston, never even stopped for a swim .
They don't know what they missed as the water was cool and refreshing. Some of whom stayed behind did not walk on the road to the Ugly river but instead came over the very steep hill with a guide, but having done that the first time we went and finding that hill quite challenging,I had just walked on the main road with  Sheila.

After a wonderful swim and frolic, we drove back to Kingston with Chuck and a number of us met up at Castleton to ensure that the lady who makes the Delicious janga soup did not have anything left in her pot  to lug home!

When we returned to Kingston., I was soaked by a heavy and sudden downpour but amazingly not a drop of rain  fell at my home but as they say, the rain falls on the just on the unjust so I guess I must be in the latter category!.

JOAN WILLIAMS, co-host of JUSTICE on POWER 106, describes herself as an unapologetic addict to the Jamaican outdoors. A foundation member of FUN AND THRILLS ADVENTURE CLUB, she explores the island at any given opportunity cycling, hiking or swimming with that group, family, Jah 3 and anyone else who will have her. In 1995, she published the popular TOUR JAMAICA and the 4th edition is now an ebook available at;

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