Monday, June 2, 2014

That Tru Juice Race

That lyme at the Tru Juice property yesterday was much better than I had anticipated.

To begin with, the property itself is exceptionally beautiful and well kept with thousands of acres of orange orchards an well as quite a few coconut trees, two rivers and even as well kept great house.

Incidentally, I ran into someone I had not seen for decades, Bruce, who had managed our farm for a while in the old days in Spanish Town.

Bruce at home
He is now one of the supervisors on this huge farm and our meeting was coincidental, for as I strolled around the property, I had a bathroom call and seeing a lady strolling outside with a baby in front of one of the workers' houses, I asked her permission to invade her rest room, only to find that it was Bruce's family. Small world.

The Bog Walk train line seems to run though the property itself  and while there we heard the movement and the horn of the locomotive as it went about its business. It must have been a welcome sound and even maybe a welcome sight for many, considering how many persons have never seen or heard a train in Jamaica as the rail system has been run into the ground and operates only to carry select goods these days.

I traveled down with Howie and his posse of riders as I was not in the mood to ride with the others to Bog Walk as they were leaving out too early, so had planned to walk the 5k. However by the time we got there , the walking segment was far gone so I ended up walking the trail  alone after the cyclists had departed.

Frano in tam
Frano was behind the organisation and it was extremely well run as usual and it was absolutely wonderful to see him  on the ball again after he had that terrible health scare.

The trail was unpaved, some parts grassy, undulating but  of course scenic.

There were cyclists in all conditions participating , that is from the very fit and competitive to little kids on bikes with training wheels just out to have fun with their parents.

So while some flew through the trail as if it was nothing, barreling through mud patches and up the hills with ease,  others had to dismount to make it.

Of course it is well known by now that Fun and Thrills rider extraordinaire Kim came first in the women's cycling  race. Big up the champion!

Winner Kim accepting her medal
However, all our riders were very competitive and did well. Pity Fun and Thrills members enter as individuals rather than as a team for I am sure we could cop first prize in the men's segment too  with people like Thomas, Howie, Johann, Barry, Maurice, Omar and Conrad representing us!
Howie barreling down the track


Sharlene in cap 
 Fun and Thrills ex- member who left and is a  founding member of World Explorers, Sharlene, got a medal for coming first in one of the segments for the female runners.

 I was however especially impressed by an old lady who told me her name was Miss Nelson. She is 76 years old and came first in the women's age group runners 70-99 years old. I don't know if there were any 99 year old in the race, but she seems to be in tip top condition  and apparently  did  not have a problem topping that category.

I like the overall concept behind this event though, even as although I do not really understand exactly how they pick the winner, (whether it is from runners, walker and riders combined or just runners) the team  that is selected as the winner, has a cash prize donated to the charity of their choice while individual winners get medals.

After the medals were awarded, as usual, some crazies from the F&T camp, rode back, led by Maurice, the RIBI champion himself, for although he did not enter the race officially, he rode to Bob Walk, rode the trail and rode back to Kingston I hear.

Miss Nelson winner of the 70-99 year old female runners 

JOAN WILLIAMS, moderator of Joan Williams on Line broadcast on POWER 106, describes herself as an unapologetic addict to the Jamaican outdoors. A foundation member of FUN AND THRILLS ADVENTURE CLUB, she explores the island at any given opportunity cycling, hiking or swimming with that group, family, Jah 3 and anyone else who will have her. In 1995, she published the popular TOUR JAMAICA and the 4th edition is now an ebook available at;

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joan - I am happy to hear that you enjoyed Sunday's Tru-Juice event on the farm in Bog Walk (my back yard :)....thanks for the positive comment and please provide further feedback regarding areas that require improvement for next year's event.
    I hope you were not too disappointed that you missed the start of the Walk, but with Frano at the controls the race will always start on time........

    Please come out one Sunday with your fellow "outdoor adventurers" and enjoy the facilites......ride, swim and riverside "cook out"


    Peter McConnell
