Monday, August 18, 2014

A Refreshing Hike

Sheriff's hike to the mountains yesterday was invigorating, and refreshing and as usual,offered great camaraderie and lots of mangoes but caused a near mutiny, all inputs necessary for a great day with the icing being a wonderful breakfast at Coy's.

I suppose that it is because the dates kept changing, why only nine of us turned up, but Chuck is perfectly correct, the only way we could have completed the proposed trail in three hours, was if we had gone in a straight line!

It was interesting  none the less as it is the first time I had been up Dustry road which we often pass on the was to Maryland.  As it turns out, that road makes the distance to Irish town really short by comparison to the main road. Well actually it is not a road, but really a rough track  with bush growing in the centre in parts and on which, if you are not careful, you could end up twisting your ankle.

When you see arch cyclists like Barber Dean and Barry having to dismount in parts, you know it is really terrible and I am sure even the "off road don" Howie would have found it challenging in parts.  Incidentally, we did pass a few riders out on their way up to Newcastle, then further up we saw Barber Dean riding up with a couple guys but he turned back to join us while Barry, riding on his own,  caught us up just above Cafe Blue.

Anyway we trod on with Maurice and Karen really enjoying the mangoes from the trees all along the way after Maurice, candidate for the Survivor reality show, even got a stick to speed up the process, although he does have a mean right hand when it comes to stoning mango trees!

Not a step further , we decided right  here.
Although the proposed hike was supposed to take us to Newcastle through the shortcut then on to Greenwich and finally Hollywell  with the return journey via Hollywell's back gate down to Woodford and finally Maryland for breakfast at 10 am, shortly after we passed the turnoff to Newcastle, timekeeper Desiree pointed out that there was no way we could be get back to Maryland at 10am if we completed the proposed trail, we then had a democratic meeting and decided to go to Ras Jam instead. However after walking for another half hour and not seeing any sign of the  Ras Jam turnoff, there was a near mutiny as we were tired and hungry. So when we arrived at a little garage where that colourful mini bus that has always been prominent on the road to Newcastle was parked  apparently getting an engine overall, some of us in insisted that it was time to turn back.

The hike back was easy and very pleasant for with the sun now fully out, the mountains simply glistened and the view of the city was really great.

By the time Desiree and I  got to Coy, (we were lagging at the back and Barber Dean stayed to keep our company) we found that a number of riders had come up as well as Betty and others who drove up,  for breakfast. As usual, breakfast was really good and while a few of us left after, some stayed to cool off in the river.

Joan Williams, moderator of the Joan Williams Online broadcast on Power 106, describes herself as an unapologetic addict to the Jamaican outdoors. A foundation member of Fun and Thrills Adventure Club, she explores the island at any given opportunity cycling, hiking or swimming with that group, family, Jah 3 and anyone else who will have her. In 1995, she published the popular 'Tour Jamaica', and the fourth edition is now an ebook available at; Contact

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