Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bowden hill Waterfall Again

It seems the fishing was good yesterday (Independence Day 2014) at the very low Hermitage Dam for we saw quite a few people digging for worms to use as bait  along the way and others on the banks trying their luck and we did see one or two fellows actually bringing in silver perch.

It was quite a nice outing with  Fun and Thrills as we made another trek to the Bowden Hill waterfall, perhaps my fifth.

This time I didn't ride but instead eleven of us drove
to Red Gal ring and hiked from there.

Yes there were quite a few riders and they arrived as we hung out at the dam, which  incidentally, was very low but in the afternoon there was a heavy shower of rain, so hopefully some fell into the catchment area there.

We had to wait quite a while at the dam as breakfast was late but no one mined as we lymed and some of the fellows even played football.

This time we had a guide to the waterfall, Duyane, so we did not get lost as usual!

The treacherous route
 In  fact he showed a shorter route from the Bowden hill Primary school, which was less overgrown and did not have us walking by the side of the hermitage dam as we did once and  when I found it quite treacherous. However as it was not wet and slippery yesterday, we did listen to Duyane and return by that route and it was ok, but I would never venture there during the rainy season.
 At the waterfall, we had a ball as the water was not as cold as the last time we went which had me putting nothing but a big toe into it!
It was fairly warm this time
Welcome back safe and sound Monique

It was good to have Monique on the trip ( Chully's daughter) had she had just returned from a trip to the middle east which had her spending two months in Jordan and two days in Israel, since the latest flare up over Gaza.  I am sure all were happy to have her back safe and sound.

JOAN WILLIAMS,  moderator of Joan Williams on Line  broadcast on POWER 106, describes herself as an unapologetic addict to the Jamaican outdoors. A foundation member of FUN AND THRILLS ADVENTURE CLUB, she explores the island at any given opportunity cycling, hiking or swimming with that group, family, Jah 3 and anyone else who will have her. In 1995, she published the popular TOUR JAMAICA and the 4th edition is now an ebook available at;

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