Monday, September 15, 2014

Another great weekend

I can think of anything else that can surpass a weekend at Silver Sands with its wonderful white sand beach, fishing and some vigorous dominoes later.

This was another such weekend of fishing and all that, except this is the first time that our fisherman City
shocked us when he declared the way out that he was low on gas and shortly after water started  coming into the boat. But all things seem to work for the greater good as despite our not being able to go out as far as we are accustomed, we seemed to have caught more fish than we normally did when we go beyond the reef. As to the water coming in to the boat, this was because the plug put  into the bung was not installed properly so after bailing out the water and correcting the error, all was great and the fish just could not stop biting. (I never tasted one of my catch though as they were fried and gobbled up very quickly)!

In the afternoon I played dominoes until I could not sit down anymore and as usual it was "bruk an spoil" and the surprise of the day was that I never got one six love, the first time in recent history but neither did any. What a pity.

Saturday had been overcast so dominoes was perfect but Sunday was extremely sunny so it was beach and pool all day and it was nice to have Penny, Stefan and the kids driving over from Montego Bay to visit and swim. Pity they came so late but it was nice to see them nevertheless and with this wonderful new highway, hopping over to the northcost is certainly now, easier, more pleasant and a scenic journey.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a pleasant weekend Joan. Winedown is a wonderful place.
