Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Deportation or Cover UP?

When Jamaicans are denied entry to a foreign country, be it Barbados, Trinidad, England etc, they are simply sent home using their return ticket.

No matter how Minister Bunting tries to defend the waste of $4 million of taxpayers funds to send Abu Bakr  home on a private Lear jet, it does not wash for he is not the first deportee to "gwaan bad" when denied entry into a country. And the more the Bunting spins the more suspicious/ ridiculous he sounds.

Some people have even started wondering if the real story isn't that the government owed the Lear jet operator $4 million for some of the secret, time/money wasting trips that minsters take as they traipse all over the place and they had hoped to quietly slip in the payment using this ridiculous cover Abu Bakr story. To tell you the truth , even this sounds more plausible!

And when you weigh this waste of $4 million of taxpayers money against the simultaneous salivating at the feet of Sagicor which had to underwrite the  $4 million cost of  purchasing  fever scan machines to detect Ebola, you realise how pathetic what passes for governance in this country really is.