Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving 2014 was absolutely wonderful except that I learnt too late that a desert could get darn cold.

For I had visited Las Vegas twice before and had always found the weather to be the closest thing to hell fire (yes, I was there!) and although the temperature drops drastically in the early mornings, I never knew the winters could be so bad.

So off I went with a suitcase filled with bathing suits, shorts and short sleeve clothes only to arrive in temperature in the 40's! Wow.

 It is a good thing Melissa of football fame ( Michelle's little sister) lives there and had brought down winter clothes from New York and that is the only thing that saved us.

After that it was great.

Shadrach flying from Tampa met up with me at the Charlotte airport and we were able to sit together for the rest of what was a very bumpy flight and when we got to Vegas Michelle was already there and waiting at the airport.

We visited the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon and although I had been both places before, I realised I remembered nothing.

The grand canyon is really awesome and remains one of the most visited of the 7 Wonders of the World. Long trip to get there though for although we left out about 6 am did not return to hotel until around 8.30 p,m. Worth it though.

Since we could not get over to Phoenix to visit Amrita and her family, they came over and I saw the baby for the first time. What an absolutely sweet baby. Goes to everyone and although they stayed overnight, I never heard her cry once.

I never expected the thanksgiving dinner to be so great for I forgot that Norma, Michelle's mom is a top cook and she brought down everything from New York including green gungo and goat mutton.  We then had a wonderful time at Melissa's home in the suburbs.
Amrita and family with Michelle

 Of course we took in all the sights in Vegas itself which is really an unique place where the unexpected elsewhere is the norm, including women standing almost nude on the sidewalks in 40 degree weather and offering to take photos with those who want to be seen with a sexy chick!

Of course, not being a gambler myself, Vegas did not benefit much from my visit as I lost all of 25 cents, yes a quarter! For I had declared that I would be gambling $5 just for kicks but the stupid machine kept spitting out small wins until I got bored and retrieved $4.75. The last time I visited I decided to gamble $10 and lost it all. Yeah, that's me, the last of the big gamblers!

Anyway, minus gambling, Vegas is still a great place to visit for the architecture and splendor, shows etc are a must see at least once in a lifetime.

And with some members of the family there there was much to give thanks for.

1 comment:

  1. Las Vegas is quite a spectacle, but pales beside the grandeur of the Grand Canyon. It is really something to behold!!! Suffice it to say, The tour bus almost left me because I was so caught up in taking photos...5 minutes over...and trust me, they WILL leave you....

    As usual great post Joan!

