Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Rehashing the past?

When I saw the headline in The Gleaner dated February 7, 2015 declaring, 'Take over idle lands - 'Hugo' Buchanan', I thought I had been transported back to the past.
Why do politicians always concentrate on reinventing the wheel?
Why can't the Buchanans of Jamaica put their minds to coming up with strategies to get the hundreds of thousands of acres of Crown land into production and to provide housing for those poor people who contribute to the National Housing Trust but can never acquire a home or even a house lot before casting a grudgeful eye on people's private property?
For Mr Buchanan's information, there are good projects being undertaken by Farm Up Jamaica, 'One One Coco', and, probably, others that I am not aware of that could probably benefit from the Government's horde of idle lands, thus providing a good income for young farmers.
So let's have some creative thinking before even contemplating returning to the counterproductive days of trying to capture privately owned land.

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