Monday, June 5, 2017

Flagler Mansion-Lifestyle of the rich and famous

It's always good to see how the really rich and famous live (d) and a good place to get a taste is at the Flagler Museum, Palm Beach in Florida.

All sorts of interesting furnishing
Flagler, who was one of the founders of Standard Oil, built and elaborately furnished this 75 room mansion in 1902, as a winter retreat.

It was later donated by his granddaughter to the historical society as a museum.

A section of the 5000 sq ft reception area
I really love the structure, view, furnishings and the fact that he even had his own rail car with sleeping area, dining room bathroom and kitchen.

The reception hall too

Beautiful private rail car
 is out of this world, all 5000 square feet of it.

Yup, I love to look at these luxurious mansions but to tell the truth I wouldn't want to live in one. (with or without ghosts!)

Today, it serves the most appropriate function, that is as a museum.

Worth a visit in my view though.
Dining car

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