Sunday, July 23, 2017


I just spent the most wonderful four days at Disneyworld, my first visit in over 30 years. And what a time we had.

The last time I went there it ended in tragedy as my daughter who was then probably ten years old, was running away because she said we wanted to visit the haunted house.

Unfortunately she fell, had to get two stitches and we had to leave. I hardly remember anything else from that trip except that there were lots of long lines and Epcot center was great. (We had gone there first.)

Because of the memory of that accident, my daughter built up a bias against the theme park and thirty years later when  I suggested we take her daughter there this summer, she balked. However not only did she and everyone else end up having a wonderful time, but also when she told an attendant at one of the souvenir stores about her last visit, she sent some beautiful souvenirs to her hotel (Art of Animation) as a surprise. A wonderful gesture.

My granddaughter of course was in her element meeting her cartoon characters and even dining with the princesses.

We also visited Universal studios and all the parks, and while we all had a ball everywhere, my big favorite was Animal Kingdom.

When my grandson was around five, we visited Disneyland and I really don't remember their animal kingdom being as amazing as this one in Florida. As to the safari, (probably the only one I will ever be able to afford)  it was so exciting with huge African elephants, white rhinos a lion and lioness....all roaming in an environment similar to their own natural one.

Then we went to the lion King musical and all I an say is it was equal to the one I saw on Broadway.

This really was a fabulous vacation and I hope to repeat Disneyworld again soon and certainly Animal kingdom if nothing more.

The thing I need to remember for the next visit is to make sure to register for the meal plan as the food selection at all the attractions is really great and you can save a lot by pre-registering.

Incidentally an amusing sign we saw at a covered area with a few tables for eating on the run was this one below. It couldn't have come out of the blue so they must have run into some youngsters trying to overnight there or using it as a love nest!;


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