Monday, April 22, 2019

I love Boulder

Colorado is an absolutely beautiful state with its great Rocky Mountain range and so many other wonderful natural attractions.
One of my favorite places too is the little town of Boulder just 25 miles away from the capital.

It is even prettier in spring when the city administrators really go all out plant thousands of beds of lilies, daffodil and tulips all over the place. So when my daughter says lets hang out in there, you know who never refuses!

To encourage visitors to flock the downtown area which is never lacking talented street actors, great food and shopping, they also make an arrangement with all the private lot parking to allow free parking to all motorists on weekends.

That is why we usually go there only on weekends!

Easter Saturday we went to spend the day down there with my daughter's best friend Tania who is a yoga teacher and outdoor lover.

She took us to a walking trail/park near her home where the backdrop of mountains is really wonderful. Lots of people go paragliding from the mountain side there too and as we watched them hovering overhead, we all pledged to try it next time we get together.

After a pleasant hour or so of walking, exploring and just enjoying each other's company we headed to our favorite Italian restaurant downtown then we headed to her place to relax  until it was time to drive home.

Another great pleasant and enjoyable day in beautiful Boulder. 

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