Saturday, June 8, 2019

Another birthday

Living in Florida now, the highlight of my life now is returning to Jamaica every year to celebrate my birthday.
A section of Silver Sands Beach

I started to have a party to celebrate my birthday at my home in Kingston every single year, when I turned fifty. It is just my way of letting my friends and family how much I love them and cherish their company.

My brother, who lives abroad, attended one of the parties and came up with the brilliant suggestion that I have the annual event at his vacation house at Silver Sands, at Duncans in Trelawny.

Silver Sands has one of the nicest white sand beaches in the beautiful island of Jamaica, and better yet, there are two helpers at the house all the times, so that solved my problem of getting people cook and clean up after the party.

So now its Silver Sands every year.

There are five of us Taureans who usually celebrate every year, but this year only two of us attended.

 My friend Michael was doing repairs on his home in Black River and could not come over, Hector another friend, was in Canada at a graduation and poor Kim, my best friends' daughter,  was travelling from Spanish Town with her parents, but they had an accident. 

Luckily no one was hurt but the car was a wreck. 

Without the other three to help cut the cake, we asked if there were any other Taureans there and  two other guests joined Delroy and myself in the ceremony. 

It was  great party, lots of food, booze and great company. 

Some people complained that we didn't have the usual vigorous dancing this year, but the vibrant music was there as usual. It just appears that only a few people were in a dancing mood this year. Moat seemed to prefer to just catch up on the happenings but they did enjoy themselves.
Family was well represented

I missed my cousin/niece Coretta from Toronto. She couldn't make this year but her dad and step-mother did come down. This year there was also another cousin, Sheila from Canada as well as another cousin Dor from Kingston, so the family reunion part was in place as usual. 

As always at Silver Sands, we went fishing and caught enough delicious butter fish for lunch one day.

I really enjoy going out to the reef to fish and as the beach there is incomparable in terms of purity, peace tranquility, that's where you find me most days 

So I spent the week really
basking and couldn't care less if I never see another beach until I return next year, as that  really is the best.

When I went over to Kingston, it was great getting together with friends, especially Kim's family, for she is an entertainer and performed at Bob Marley Museum one night so we all went there to cheer her on and lyme.
Kim wows the crowd
Yup my annual vacation/birthday bash at home is such a wonderful way to recharge my batteries and get ready to take on another year.

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