Tuesday, February 9, 2021


I feel as if I have climbed Mount Everest and am back, for I got my covid vaccine!  And amazingly, the process only took 9 minutes.

This reaction to what should have been an easy process, occurred as previously, just getting the appointment had appeared to be mission impossible.

I had recently seen a lady on tv saying getting her appointment made her feel as if she had won the lottery. It was not getting the appointment that made me feel that way, for when my cousin Everett told me he had gotten it for me, my reaction was disbelief. Even when he sent me the screen shot of the confirmation from Jackson Health System, I remained unconvinced. Even when Jackson sent me their confirmation by email, I still remained  skeptical as I had seen so many horror stories about people getting appointments and meeting nothing but chaos when they went to get their shot.

Well, my appointment was for 9am today at the Miami Gardens Jackson facility and though still remaining doubtful, I was up by 6am getting ready, preparing breakfast and even putting together reading material ("Melania and Me, the rise and fall of my friendship with the first lady". Very interesting) and even a snack. 

For that is how one prepares for a long wait, right?

I was not even convinced that the appointment was real until I arrived at the venue, they took my id and assigned me a number. 

After that it was smooth sailing. Nine minutes in and  out! Then there was a ten minute waiting period in a separate room to ensure that recipient had no adverse reaction to the vaccine.

My pessimism about even getting the appointment in Florida, arose from the frustrations caused by what had to date appeared to be such a monumental task before. For regular calls and visits to the sites announced by both Broward and  Date Health, had for weeks come to naught. 

Then out of the blue, my dear cousin Everett, called yesterday to find out if I had yet been vaccinated. I guess he immediately picked up the frustration in my voice, as he told me he had gotten appointments on a Jackson web page for quite a few relatives. Reluctantly, I sent him my information and was shocked when he called last night to say he was on the web page, appointments were available and what time did I want my vaccine! Apparently, slots were available the very next day, for early birds as well as late risers like me. So I chose 9 am , still not believing it was possible.

Well not only was it possible but I actually got the shot. And although I hate needles and always feel the prick, I felt nothing today.  I guess its because I was feeling so elated.

Now why on earth could Everett manipulate so easily through the mire that is Florida health system while thousands of people are having so many disappointments when they try the advertised links? Even the local television stations got into the fray, inviting viewers to go to their page, and follow their links to appointments. 

Well I am here to tell you that  none of that works.

Nothing worked for me until I got that call from Everett.

Forever grateful  to him and to google maps which got me to another place unknown, seamlessly. 

Three weeks time I will get my booster shot at the same efficient facility and hopefully, soon, the world will once again be my oyster.

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