Friday, June 25, 2021


I am not moaning about my diet because I don't eat green vegetables and it has affected my health somehow.

No, I don't and it hasn't.

This rejection of vegetables was born from I was a child and we fed the greens to the animals then ate them. 

Processed greens you could call it.

However, I have for many years, occasionally rued the fact that it cannot be civilized to be eating warm-blooded animals. 

This thought was again recently reinforced when I visited a livestock farm in St. Elizabeth.  For there was a herd of some of the most peaceful group of cows I have ever seen, tranquility roaming as they fed. Then and there I felt so bad about constantly eating members of their family that once again I made a silent promise to myself to stop eating beef. 

I think that latest promise only survived for a few days.

Maybe it is my admiration for the Buddist religion that so often directs my thoughts along these lines. For they are totally opposed to killing anything to satisfy the lust for food. But poor me, my habits are so deeply ingrained that I cannot even contemplate adopting such an admirable lifestyle.  So I comfort myself that I will keep that promise when I reincarnate.

I have often varied it slightly by saying I will shun warm-blooded animals, as in this life I have no problem eating reptiles with great relish, convinced of course that if I don't eat them first they will probably eat me! That's why I so enjoyed the crocodile tail I had in Cambodia.

But no Buddhist would ever kill even reptiles so I guess I will have to adopt the Kenyan philosophy that dictates that even dangerous animals have to preserved for prosperity, especially to educate generations to come.

I only returned to this annoying trend of thought this morning, for as I went for my regular walk, I was bitten by an insect. I don't know what it was but it itched like hell and for quite a long time too.

That's when it occurred to me that those who are promoting the eating of insects are on the right track. For what purpose do most insects serve except to create destruction and discomfort for the human race?

Further, in Asia, they have developed the tastiest methods of cooking these pests and they are also very nutritious to boot. 

Look at what Science Direct says;

"From a nutritional point of view, insects have significant protein content. It varies from 20 to 76% of dry matter depending on the type and development stage of the insect. Fat content variability is large (2–50% of dry matter) and depends on many factors. Total polyunsaturated fatty acids' content may be up to 70% of total fatty acids. Carbohydrates are represented mainly by chitin, whose content ranges between 2.7 mg and 49.8 mg per kg of fresh matter. Some species of edible insects contain a reasonable amount of minerals (K, Na, Ca, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and P) as well as vitamins such as B group vitaminsvitamins A, D, E, K, and C. "

So weh yu seh?

Unfortunately, I am so old and stuck in my ways, that I have to postpone my nutritional transition until the next life!

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