Tuesday, November 9, 2021

I got a damn ticket!


I have often boasted how I have never having gotten a ticket for a moving violation in the USA, since I got my license here some five years ago.

I am not at all saying I have not committed violations, but have just been lucky to never see a cop a around at such critical moments!

And I am not considering myself lucky simply because I have not had to waste money paying fines, for from seeing how dangerous it can be in the USA  to be  DWB (driving while black), I considered myself  extremely fortunate, for one never knows how these things will turn out.

You see, I drive mostly in Florida where according to recent news reports, the second highest number of hate groups in the USA are to be found!

I got that information from National Public Radio (NPR) which in a report published March 12, 2021, declared; “A recent study shows Florida has the second-highest number of known hate groups in the country. We put a spotlight on why the Sunshine State harbors so much hate. The Southern Poverty Law Center says there are 68 known hate groups active in Florida. That's only four less than California, which has twice the population. Of them, 47 are White supremacy groups, like those involved in the insurrection at the U.S Capitol in January.”

Since many of these reports have indicated that numerous law enforcement officers belong to these white supremacy groups, when I saw the police patrol with its siren blaring behind me on I75, I thought maybe my time had come.

For the cop fit the profile (stocky, bearded, blond etc.) of those I see on tv abusing and killing black people.  Besides, on sections of that road, there were still “Trump/Pence” signs around, although the election has been over for almost a year!

This was on November 9th, 2021 as I was returning from Sebring where I had dropped off a friend.

I knew I was speeding, about 15 mph over the speed limit, so hoped it was going to be run of the mill and non-violent.

Well, it was not run of the mill but thankfully, non-violent.

When the cop approached, he declared immediately that he stopped me for passing too close to an emergency vehicle. He claims I should have changed lane totally and gone over to the passing lane, when I saw him with a stopped vehicle some ways back. You could have killed me with shock, for I thought I had given him and the man he stopped a wide berth.

My grandson has he best suggestion though. He said, wherever you see a police, stay as far away from him as you can get!😇

I don’t recall seeing anything about getting out of my  lane in the test when I went for my license either, but he presented me with a brochure which outlined that totally.

So, I guess it is so.

On giving me the ticket for a whopping $165, I instinctively said to myself that I will surely go to court. For some time ago I got a non-moving violation ticket and on going to court, got it thrown out. But then I learnt from the brochure of a better option,….do remedial classes on line.

Well that  I will surely do as I am now convinced that there are lots of other technicalities  in the USA traffic laws that I am not aware of. So it can do no harm. Besides it saves me $165 and losing points.

Will keep you posted.

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