Friday, February 4, 2022


 You Tube is really taking this censorship thing too far you know. Can you believe they deleted the latest video in the Talk Jamaican series!

According to them, it contains 'medical misinformation!'

When did they become the authority on science anyway? In this video, I was merely explaining that what I suffered from recently, was a mere attack of the flu, not covid.

I also said when people have the flu in Jamaica, the natural remedies are ganja tea or the white rum concoction with honey and lime.

Then I mentioned that recently, some universities found that that hemp tea (ganja)/minimized the effects of the virus. So, when they took down the original with the title "It's the flu," I edited it to emphasize the ganja aspect and resubmitted it, but they censored me again!

You tube is becoming a real pain in the ass.

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