Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Broadway revisited

I have often told people that the only thing about New York that I like is Times Square including Broadway.

Pro-Ukraine demonstration
Since my most recent visit, I think I will add the Manhattan waterfront to my likes, although due to time constraints, I just never got to explore it as much as I would have liked to.

On this trip, Times Square was somewhat a disappointment though. I have always enjoyed the amateur performers who show off their skills in the area in the hope of being ‘discovered’. 

This time however, they were missing and all we saw on two consecutive nights, was a few young men doing gymnastics but seemingly being more intent on squeezing out as much money as possible from observers, without doing anything spectacular.

On another occasion, we saw a pro-Ukraine demonstration there where a small crowd, including a few members of the Guardian Angels (allegedly a non-profit international volunteer organization of unarmed crime prevention activists) decked out in their uniforms, in attendance.

Broadway was spectacular though.

                                             THE MJ MUSICAL

My main draw to Broadway this time was the Michael Jackson musical, (MJ) playing at the Neil Simon theatre.

My interest in that musical was not only because I have always had an undying love for Michael but also, proudly, I have a young cousin dancing in that show. 

Yup, performing on Broadway is a big, big deal in my book!

Her stage name is Michelle Mercedes, and she holds a BFA from Florida State University and a MBA from University of Florida.

Posing with Michelle 

I really beamed with pride on seeing her outstanding credentials in black and white in the program.

I must confess though, that I had only met her once, and that was at a relative’s funeral no less. (You know, that seems to be the most popular place to meets relatives these days😏!)

That was also where I was introduced, via video, to her exceptional dancing talent.

I knew from I saw those videos that she would be going places!

It was therefore not much of a surprise when her beaming dad told me about two years ago, that she would be dancing on Broadway no less, in West Side Story.

Unfortunately, covid struck shortly after and Broadway closed down.

No sooner had Broadway reopened though, than I got the good news that she would be dancing in the MJ musical.

 Wild horses therefore could not keep me from seeing it as soon as possible.

The cast of MJ warming up

This musical surely lived up to the words ‘electrifying, vivid and gripping’ which were used in one of the reviews. For from start to finish, as it replayed the biography of the late, great Michael Jackson, the singers and dancers brought his life and exceptional musical performances to life.

Apart from the outstanding renditions, my most lasting impression was that it explains most graphically, Michael’s constant search for his childhood, which his abusive father had caused him to miss completely.

The part of the young Michael (from the Jackson Five days) was brilliantly and melodiously played by 13-year-old Walter Russell 111, who I had the honor of meeting after the performance. 

That young man is surely going to go places!

Walter Russell 111

The main star was Myles Frost who not only shares an uncanny physical representation, voice and agility with the late super star, but also, he was seamless in all his movements.

During the over two-hour performance, the singers and dancers brilliantly performed Michael’s greatest hits, appropriately closing “Man in the middle.”

Seeing all those young people putting everything into their craft, seemingly without effort, forced me to ask Michelle after the performance if she was not tired! She admitted that they often have to get their legs iced after performances.

That’s when it really made me appreciate the super-human effort these talented young people put into entraining us while making it look so easy!


Tina Turner, with those fantastic legs, is also another big favorite of mine. I was therefore excited to learn that her musical was still on at the Lunt Fontaine Theater on Broadway during our visit.

As most of her life’s story involved her father who abandoned her, a mom who did not like her and that late abusive husband of hers Ike, it was not as entertaining or as upbeat as MJ in the beginning, but in fact, rather sad.

When it started to take on a life of its own, was after she left Ike with just 36 cents in her pocket, the established name Tina Turner and two children to support.

What is especially exceptional about Tina, is how her career flourished after the age of 40, which is usually the stage of life when many other performers start on a downward trajectory.

The role of Tina was played by Nkeki Obi-Melekwe who was chosen by the great Tina Turner herself.

That lady can certainly sing.

What was great about this performance too, is that for the grand finale, we were allowed to take pictures whereas during the entire MJ we couldn’t.

Broadway is surely back in full swing and in all its glory.


Myles Frost, the lead in "MJ" won "Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical."

Natasha Katz, "MJ"; Best Lighting Design of a Musical

Gareth Owen, "MJ"Best Sound Design of a Musical

Christopher Wheeldon, "MJ";Best Choreography. My cousin Michelle Mercedes is a dancer so is part of the winning team!

Jason Michael Webb and David Holcenberg, "MJ"; Best Orchestrations

MJ deserved all those wonderful awards as does ADRIENNE WARREN  who  won "Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical for her role in Tina: The Tina Turner Musical". 

I am so happy that I got to see both wonderful musicals on this trip.

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