Thursday, May 12, 2022

Currie again?

One of the most beautiful, peaceful, lush and crime-free villages in Jamaica that I have ever visited, is Millbank in Portland, which straddles a section of the John Crow Mountains.

This region which is reputed to have the second highest rainfall in the world, is naturally luxuriant, flourishing, and productive. The rain plus the constant supply of water from the long, flowing Rio Grande River which you can see form every point, irrigates the well-laid-out banana, plantain, dasheen and other fields, making the area a critical agricultural supplier for the rest of Jamaica.

My first visit to that locale was in 2010, shortly after heavy rainfall had washed away part of the road between Comfort Castle and Millbank cutting off a number of small districts from Port Antonio. 

Luckily this was a cycling outing, so we dismounted and pushed our bikes gingerly along a narrow ledge with a deep precipice below. That was all that was left of the road. 

Colonel Sterling

That visit was memorable, as it was my introduction to the Moore Town Maroons, their Colonel, Wallace Sterling and tasty, unusual, exotic Maroon dishes including busso soup.

That was such an enlightening and enjoyable day that I pledged to return quickly.

And I did visit that area many other times. Once to enjoy a hike in the beautiful valley, followed by cool refreshing water massage at Nanny Falls, (named in honor of Queen Nanny). Another, to hike along the Cuna Cuna trail and a few other times to Alligator Church Bridge, where we would swim, eat locally prepared food and relax after an invigorating ride from Kingston.

The Cuna Cuna trail which is over five hundred years old, lies hidden between the Blue and John Crow Mountain ranges. Because it is replete with caves in which the guerillas could hide and it has a number of springs supplying live-giving water, it was a primary escape route for Nanny and her warriors as they battled the British who wanted to re-enslave them after they overthrew the Spanish in 1655.

The trail runs from St. Thomas to Portland and is today very well maintained by the Moore Town Maroons, who have built guard rails and rest areas for use by hikers. They also provide the guides who take outdoor lovers on the trail through the mountains.

Hospitality is nothing new to the Moore Town Maroons though, as for decades they have been building bamboo rafts and steering visitors carefully down the long, beautiful Rio Grande River. 

Rafting down the Rio Grande River through the spectacular Rio Grande Valley, is one of Jamaica's most popular attractions.

But I stray. 

It was on that first trip in 2010 that I gained a lot of information about how the Maroons operate. My informant was Colonel Sterling who heads the Maroon Council, the body responsible for the enforcement of the laws (the state deals with murder) and maintaining order.

Colonel Sterling had at that time, been in the position for some twenty years!

When I enquired how he had retained his position for such a long time, (that was twelve years ago!), he explained that the Maroons do not have set elections but whenever the residents want a change of leadership, they have their means of asking for a change or letting their dissatisfaction with the current leadership known.

So, is it that the residents of Moore Town want a change of leadership now or is it that dissention there is being instigated by outsiders? 

It was the article in the Jamaica Observer of May 9th 2022, entitled "Stalemate in Moore Town, but Maroon teen seeking leadership claims support....." which caught my interest.

The article begun; "The attempt to unseat Colonel Wallace Sterling as leader of the Moore Town Maroons failed on Sunday as no election was held in the community ......."

According to the report, the person trying to unseat Colonel was an 18-year-old young lady Lomorra Dillion who the article revealed, had the support of the Chief of the Accompong Maroons, Richard Currie, who was seen in the area.

It continued to report Colonel Sterling as saying;  "For one colonel to leave from his community to come into another to decide who should be colonel, this is wrong, downright rude, out of order, impertinent and that nonsense we will not stand...” "Currie don’t run Moore Town so he and the persons in Moore Town who are setting date for an election, we are not having an election. They have proposed the eighth of May, but we not having any, the council don’t call an election.”

It was when I read that paragraph that I had the "aha moment".

As a background, Richard Currie is the 43-year-old bombastic and 'revolutionary' Maroon Chief who was elected in Accompong in February 2021. He immediately started out by not only making demands for the Sovereignty for the Maroons but also claiming (falsely) that Maroons are the indigenous people of Jamaica!

That stance by Currie spurred me to ask in an article in January 2022, if  he had the support of the other Maroon leaders, for as you know, there are three other Maroon settlements in Jamaica and each has its own Chief.

After stirring up much public controversy, it was clearly revealed that he didn't!

This was implied by the statements coming out of a meeting (on sovereignty?) held between Prime Minister Andrew Holness on Friday 21st January 2022 and the other Maroon leaders. Currie who was not invited.

The latest developments in Moore Town have  therefore led me to conclude that having been snubbed by the other Maroon Colonels, Currie is now strategizing to get rid of that older generation of leaders and replace them with his young proxies!

Let's hope that the power-hungry young turk who clearly thinks the older generation of Maroons have been too docile, does not stir up conflict in what have been some of the most peaceful communities in Jamaica. 

He however seems to be blowing the wrong Abeng, if the recent developments in Moore Town are anything to go by.


It seems Currie himself is now in trouble, for on the 11th September 2022, Accompong News Network, put out the following statement; "Official report from the desk of the Accompong Town Maroon Council of Elders. Telephone: 876 9908015 Email: Date: Sept, 11, 2022 .

With an astonishing and unanimous vote by the Accompong Town Maroon Council of Elders, all Maroon Council members both in the general Maroon Council and the Grand Maroon Council of Elders voted on September 10th, 2022 to convict Richard Currie on more than 27 IMPEACHMENT charges along with a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE which automatically deposed him from his position as Chief of Accompong town. The dossier contain charges with high crimes and misdemeanors, including breaking and entering, inciting violence resulting in physical body harm, murder investigation, illegal possession of firearms, kidnapping, death threats to various individuals, intimidation, harbouring criminals in Accompong Town, malicious propaganda, deceptive advertising, promoting nefarious persons into Maroon administration, fraudulent intent with precious stone, destruction of private properties, impersonation of royal Title, financial scam, criminal intent to defraud Maroon citizens, etc. 

Never in the history of the Accompong Maroon Nation has there ever been such an overwhelming majority in any Maroon Council, the general Maroon Council was decisive and swift in its action on kicking out Mr. Richard Currie from the position of the Colonel’s chair. Many concerned citizens are already aware that the deposed and humiliated Richard Currie will not disappear quietly into the night without a fight, citizens are bracing themselves knowing that Richard Currie will try to fight the Maroon Council of Elders. The fact is, the Accompong Town Maroon Council is the supreme law of the land, not the Chief. The sheer number of members on the Council is remarkably unbelievable, for the first time in Accompong Town Maroon history has there been such a large Council, there is even a grand council within the general council, plus there is also a security council. The Grand council members are in no rush to take up office right awaythey are willing to give Richard Currie a few days to vent, run to different media houses for public support and try to fight very hard with the Accompong Town Maroon Council of Elders, one Grand Council member said he doesn’t expect Richard to go without a fight, he understands and he feels sorry for Mr. Currie, but all Mr. Currie has done is destroy the great heritage and culture while bringing shame and disgrace to our community, all he does is braid his hair and go on all the social media and news platforms, he has brought not one single development to Accompong.

Over ninety percent of Accompong Maroon Citizens voiced their opinions that never in the existence of Accompong town have they ever experienced such anarchy in their community, all because of this new Chief. One maroon citizen cried with joy, bending on her knees praying to the sky thanking God for getting rid of the most embarrassing experience and situation they have ever seen or endured in their community. 

The Chairman of the Accompong Town Maroon Council of Elders is asking the public to please pray for Accompong and its citizens, for in times like now they need prayers."

Currie has been on Inatagram and radio deniying the report, but all is not well in Accompang or with his leadrship.

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