Sunday, June 12, 2022

Nice Session

I have lived in Florida for quite a few years now, but know very little about Miami or Dade County in general.

You see I am simply not drawn to concrete, but much prefer natural attractions.

Anyway, since I live here, I do take the opportunity to learn about new places, even downtown, when the opportunity arises.

So, when I heard a favorite band of mine, Tallawah Mento Band would be performing at Griffin Park in North Miami, I had no problem deciding to attend. 

But a city named North Miami? How creative is that?

Anyway as we say in Jamaica, ‘cockroach nuh bisniss inna fowl bisiness’ so let’s move on.

Well at least I never had to drive this time, as I went with friends and it was great company.

Such a relief, for I am very dependent on my GPS when driving in Florida as I know very little about anywhere else outside of Broward County. So, when driving I have to keep so totally alert that I never get to see anything.

This session was literally under the electric tree, as a landmark at Griffin Park is this huge, old (?) very attractive lighted tree.

Griffin Park was established in 2008 as the Veteran's Park it appears.  It has a clock tower with a huge bell underneath a few small plaques recognizing the sacrifices of  the soldiers who were from the community and like most parks, it also has a fountain,

To tell the truth, I was a bit concerned that the event would have to be cancelled because of the huge thunder and rain storm in my city in the afternoon. 

Fortunately,  by the time were ready  to depart, no one could even tell it had rained.

We arrived just about when the band was ready to strike up. 

However, it was not as well attended as one would have expected. Because of the inclement weather, I suppose.

It started a bit slow, as the event was advertised as ‘Caribbean,’ so they had to play music from places like the Bahamas. But shortly after, they transitioned to Mento and Ska, two genres of music designed to get you on your feet.                                                                                                                                

Would you believe though that before we worked up a good sweat, the band stopped playing!

I thought it was intermission, only to learn that the session had ended, as the management of the park had reduced the entertainment package by an hour.

Anyway, we have to be thankful for small mercies as it was really a nice session.

Good entertainment, good food, wine and great camaraderie.

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