Sunday, July 24, 2022

Birthday lyme

 In Jamaica we have a saying “good fren better dan pocket money.”

 That’s oh so true.

Unfortunately, I don’t have that many persons I consider good fren. But among that cherished few is Janice. I met her almost thirty years ago, when we were rookie realtors with the then trend setting C.D. Alexander LTD., one of Jamaica’s oldest real estate companies.

One reason why we clicked immediately was because we both shared the same maiden name Marshall. Her large family has produced several male footballers (soccer) who have not only played for Jamaica, but also many clubs and colleges in the USA, even coaching at some. However, we couldn’t find any blood relationship between us. Maybe it’s because her family originated from the big city, Kingston, and mine from rural Jamaica, St. Elizabeth.

The main reason Janice is so dear to me though, is because she is one of those who was there for me 27 years ago when my only son Thor was murdered.

Persons who have lost a child know that there can never be a greater personal tragedy. So those who helped to keep you sane, have a special place in your heart.  Even if they don’t remember the role they played, you never forget!

That was such a tragic period in my life that I have often thought that I have a duty to help others who have been down that terrible road, by writing about the difficult road to recovery. I started to do so about two years ago but hadn’t finished. However, just a few weeks ago, I made up my mind to get back to the task when I return from Jamaica in August 2022. It will be called “Rising from the Ashes.”

But I am straying, aren’t I?😏

Janice unda mi han. She gave me 6 love later😓

I wondered off into this space however as I looked at these fun photos of us having a wonderful time last night to enjoy Pierre’s birthday.

 Birthday boy and his girlfriend. A proud mom records the moment

Pierre is Janice’s son and since I have virtually become a member of her family, I am always happy to be included in their activities. Besides she her sister, brother (missing last night) and I are all
domino fanatics.

As I said good fren better Dan pocket money so it’s always so I  must always cherish those moments I spend with the few people who fall in that category.


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