Thursday, July 7, 2022

Don't blame Yoga!

About forty years ago, I was introduced to group of Indian 'missionaries' from the Ananda Marga organization.

I had never heard about them before but they explained that it was a global spiritual and social service organization founded in 1955 by a Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.  Their mission they said, was to teach self-realization (individual emancipation) and be of service to humanity through the fulfillment of the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the people.

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Through its meditation centers and service projects around the world, Ananda Marga offered instruction in meditation, Yoga and other self-development practices.

Jamaica had been selected for one of their projects which also involved setting up a basic school in a depressed area.

I had never heard about Yoga before but soon learnt that it was a practice derived from the Sanskrit word “yuji,” meaning yoke or union.

Through this ancient practice, one mastered the art of bringing mind and body through breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress.

As it sounded harmless enough, I decided to give Yoga a try and have never turned back since.

For not only has Yoga helped me physically through discipline and meditation but mentally as well.

In fact, when I had the devastating experience of having my only son being murdered twenty-seven years ago, I really don’t think I could ever have survived mentally, had I not learnt to de-stress through Yoga.

So for me, Yoga has always been synonymous with goodness and upliftment.

That is why I was so shocked on reading about Kaitlin Armstrong.

In case you have not been following the news, she is a Texas Yoga instructor who allegedly gunned down a romantic rival in a jealous rage! She then escaped to Costa Rica, where she was found hiding out and studying Yoga with an altered appearance from apparent cosmetic surgery.

She was returned to Texas and is now facing a murder charge.

Oh yes, I know all about being innocent until proven guilty and there being exceptions to every rule, but to me personally, for the teacher of something so dear to me as Yoga, to be even suspected of committing such violence, still remains a shock.

Of course, nothing could ever change my love for Yoga or the natural affinity I feel to people all over the world who practice or teach this wonderful art, for I have always been grateful to Ananda Marga for introducing it to me.

It is regretful that I am unable to continue to share my practice with them, but I am no longer in Jamaica or close to one of their centers overseas, but religiously go to classes wherever I am.

You see, for me personally who once had such an explosive personality, Yoga certainly saved me from committing violent acts which I had so often been urged to do over the years, while giving me peace of mind when I needed it most.

I guess that’s why I feel resentful every time the news media emphasizes the fact that this lady was a Yoga instructor.

As if Yoga had something to do with her possibly falling over the edge!




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