Sunday, July 3, 2022

Jungle Queen flex

The dinner cruise of the Jungle Queen is by far the best value or money I have seen in 


Of course, I could be unkind and say that since they have been at it since 1935, it should be. But that isn’t necessarily true at all. So, whoever operates this fling must be credited for monitoring things daily to ensure that it does not go awry. 

The operators have a pictoral journey of the cruise from 1935

I had the opportunity to go on that cruise in July 2022, when it was organized by the planner extraordinaire, Charlene Nevaomski of the Tamarac Senior Center.

Everything from that side went perfectly and my only complaint is that we were boarded so early on the boat that we had to sit in the sun for quite a while.

 That was a real scorcher.

In fact, I did a review on Trip Advisor, suggesting that they install fans on the boat to deal with that problem.

A selfie on board with my friend Carol

I had actually been on that sea route around Ft. Lauderdale before a few years ago, on the Water Taxi but this was far more delightful and the information on board far more comprehensive.

Water Taxi approaching

It’s always great to see how the super rich and sometimes infamous live. The various size yachts often tell that story.

Judge Judy’s is called “Your honor!"😏

On the trip down to the tropical setting where we had dinner, the narration was comprehensive and at times humorous.

When we got to the Jungle Queen Island, friendly staff were dockside to welcome us and amazingly, we barely sat down before the  sumption ‘all you can eat barbecue’ was on the tables. And boy wasn't that barbecue ribs to die for!

During dinner there was a great cabaret singer who had me getting out of my seat to shake a leg at times.

The setting the food the ambiance was really great.

They did try and succeed in recreating a jungle setting with lovely birds in cages which we were warned not to get too friendly with, as they were not very accommodating,

After dinner there was an extremely professionally choreographed stage show, featuring musicians, a magician, a comedian and a Polynesian troop of dancers with a fearless fire eater.

As I said earlier, it’s the best value you can get for your money in Ft. Lauderdale.

Really good stuff.


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