Saturday, September 10, 2022

An outstanding role model


This week, on September 7th 2022 to be exact, the world lost one of its most outstanding journalists and role models, Bernard Shaw.

You wouldn’t believe it though, considering how little mention was made of this fact!

He passed away the day before the Queen of England did, and while her death was expected to make an international impact, one would also have expected that most media houses would at least have taken the time to mention Bernie's passing. But most didn’t and I suspect it’s because he was a black man.

For everything in the great USA revolves around color.

So sad.

I remember how in the late seventies; a satellite dish became my most prized possession.

At that time, I resided full time in my wonderful homeland of Jamaica, but unfortunately, we only had one television station.

The dish therefore opened up a world to me that I could never have imagined.

Then in 1980, when it was announced that we would get a twenty-four-hour news station, CNN and I could not wait.

Imagine my delight when I first turned on CNN and saw an articulate black man delivering the news in what is reputed of be one of the most racist countries in the world! (after South Africa at the time.)

Shaw was their first chief anchor from the day they launched.

For some twenty years, this courageous journalist came to us live from all over the world, Bagdad, Tiananmen Square, Iran etc, wherever there was dangerous conflict. But he never showed any fear. He simply summed up the situation for us calmy and professionally.

Bernard Shaw was not only a superb role model for all journalists, but also for people of color who know they must perform above average to out shine all those who only gain fame and recognition by virtue of their complexion.

Our preeminent role model died on September 7, 2022.

Rest in peace Sir, for you were cherished by those who respect excellence over all else.

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