Monday, September 26, 2022

Mt. Alvernia moving up

Mt. Alvernia located in the second city, is not a school I had heard much about. In fact, I have passed their sign on occasion when visiting Montego Bay, but had no idea it was a rather large (1500 students) all-girls high school and sister school to the fairly well-known Immaculate High School in Kingston.

I only got to learn a little about them recently on being invited to a fundraising function at the Hilton hotel at Sawgrass in Sunrise, Florida, by an alumnus and her sister.

Josephine Marshall, former tennis great at Mt. Alvernia

This was the first time since the Covid epidemic struck, that the Central Florida Alumni Association had gathered. The turnout was great, considering the inclement weather and their enthusiasm was contagious. 

Janice (l) and sister Josie (right)

This Central Florida Association has certainly been a dynamic behind the scenes organization, according to the reports.

In recent times, they have clearly raised a mountain of funds, so have worked wonders for the school. The things I learnt that impressed me were not the usual providing of equipment, or buying a bus, but they have actually financed the establishment of an Electrical Installation program, a fully qualified gym and to top it all, the solarization of the entire school!

Maybe I am out of the loop, for I have never heard of an electrical installation division in an all-girls school. Further this solarization of the entire school is revolutionary, and will certainly save the school millions annuallyCan’t figure why other schools have not trod a similar path, considering we in Jamaica have an over-abundance of sun! 

And no doubt, as a result of the great assistance they receive from past students, this previously low-keyed school was last year in the top five in terms of CSEC and Cape exams.

Impressive too is the fact that they were also in the top eleven in terms of medals  won at Champs, although it was revealed that they have no athletic training grounds at the school!

As I listened to various spokespersons outlining the achievements there, I really had to wonder how come I had heard so little about that institution. I am deaf maybe!😉

The fund-raising event was in general, quite enjoyable with the hilarious Mistress of Ceremonies even changing into her school uniform at one point.

The MC was hilarious 

 The entertainment was impressive too as it was a musical performance by the Duggan family. I must say I was over-awed by the performance of the mom although they revealed that it was the youngest member who is a recording artist.

That Dougan Family of singers are really on top of their game.



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