Sunday, November 20, 2022


 The Beehive musical currently running at the  Lake Worth playhouse in Florida is a delight. 
It features outstanding female chart toppers from the 60’s including Diana Ross and the Supremes, Tina Turner, Aretha Frankly, Janice Joplin and many more. 

And the actresses who performed are super talented.

It’s a high energy performance from start to finish and the dress and hairstyles brought back fond memories 😊. 

Nostalgia all the way.  

The playhouse itself is quaint and charming, having been built in 1924. 

And it has maintained it’s character. 

I was particularly fascinated by the ceiling and the stage.     

The box office is tiny and dated and so was the bathroom I hear!

I attended the performance with a group from the Tamarac Senior Center.

 We went to the performance after a pleasant sit-down dinner nearby. 

As usual, I enjoyed the camaraderie. 

Lake Worth, or rather what I saw of it, seems to be a little historical town which comes to life on a Friday night when people flock to the sidewalk restaurants, some of which have live bands.  

I was rather curious about the lack of street lights once we left the main area though.

 Actually I had believed some residential areas were having power cuts until I realized that the houses had lights and it was just the streets that were dark😡. 

However, It was a wonderful outing, professionally organized and we all returned home safely, having been 
taken there and back by a competent driver.

Tamarac Seniors




  1. Interesting. Never heard of Ft Worth , FL.

  2. Glad you had fun! Tamarac used to have trips and activities regularly. I guess the pandemic put a damper on things.
