Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Return to Flamingo Gardens

The first time I ever visited Flamingo Gardens in Davie, Florida, was in September 2017, when they were about to reopen. For a few months before, Hurricane Irma had devastated that urban paradise, downing trees and destroying much of the flora.

Sonja left Rosa right

I only returned there Sunday November 5th 2022, along with friend Rosa, to spend quality time with Sonja, who was celebrating her birthday.

It was a wonderful day, despite the rain which kept coming down regularly, followed by brilliant sunshine, as if to remind us that it was still hurricane season. And of course, I had left my umbrella in the car, so got wet despite my two well prepared friends sharing theirs with me on occasion.😊

Flamingo Gardens is a 60-acre tropical oasis, which is popular among families and also as a wedding avenue.

The Wray home is now a museum

It was originally the property of Floyd L. and Jane Wray, who in 1927 built a weekend home there. They established a botanical collection of rare and unusual plants and eventually willed the property to future generations.

Their home is now a museum.

Today, the gardens boast more than 3,000 species of tropical and subtropical plants, including 200-year-old Southern live oaks, and 300 plus species of palms. It is an absolute paradise which you can tour in a tram with knowledgeable drivers imparting valuable information all along the way.

Flamingos galore
In addition to the flora, the Gardens has a fully developed aviary with a wide variety of birds common to the Everglades. In addition, it is a sanctuary for animals which have been hurt and have to be rehabilitated before being let back into to the wild. 

Some cannot however be returned, so they have to stay there for life.

Beautiful peacocks hang out in a tree covered with orchids
An interesting attraction, is the animal show which is extremely popular among children, but I too learnt a great deal about Owls, snakes and falcons.

 I was especially impressed with the courageous young man who volunteered to assist in the demonstration, with a small boa around his neck.

As one who has also developed a love for that very maligned reptile, I was impressed how easily he fulfilled the role.

The only animal I saw on this trip was a Florida Panther, although I hear there is also a Bobcat and a Black Bear there. We never saw those but did get to interact quite a few friendly domestic cats.

No only were the Gardens themselves refreshing and wonderful, but so was the camaraderie among us. 

It was even more enjoyable when the visiting band started to play reggae music.

That certainly got me in the spirit!

Unfortunately, the intermittent rain kept people away from where they were, but the band played on!

Another pleasant surprise was the Gallery. Here we saw the most amazingly detailed black and white photographs of sections of the Everglades, which had been taken by what is now a very ancient camera.

This ancient camera takes amazing pics!

Flamingo Gardens is an absolutely marvelous place in the middle of metropolitan Fort Lauderdale, where one can enjoy some treasures of nature and learn so much.

I am happy Rosa suggested that we celebrate there with Sonja.





  1. had a great rainy time! great memories!

  2. It’s been YEARS since I visited. Surprised at how lush the gardens are, enhanced by well placed orchids in bloom. Tram ride is a nice feature. Well worth a visit.
