Wednesday, December 14, 2022



I consider myself to be an extremely liberal person but I have to admit I am getting totally confused on the issue of gender and in fact have been become a bit wary of the developments.

Wary, not intolerant let me emphasize. For I am trying hard to understand exactly what is happening.

You see, in the olden days, we knew of homosexuals, heterosexuals and lesbians.

Easy to understand.

Then. I heard about LGBTQ which Wikipedia says means "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (or questioning)"

Lawd have mercy, when did life get so complicated!

You know what is really troubling me quite a bit? This issue of young immature children being allowed/urged by parents and psychologists no less, to change their gender.

OMG. Suppose my parents had been so inclined?

For growing up, I was an outright tomboy who preferred to climb trees, shoot birds and rarely played with dolls. Further I loved wearing pants and shorts instead of pretty frilly dresses. 

I may have even thought that it would be nicer to be a boy.

But then came puberty and my natural instinct was to like boys not girls! 

In fact, as I developed in this new role, I even insisted on being treated like a lady😊.

Based on my own development, I have always had a special love/sympathy for homosexuals, who I realize do not choose what gender to be attracted to, anymore than any of us have control over who should be our parents!

In my book, it all happens naturally.

So where am I going with this?

It’s this article  which appeared in the New York Post under the headline Retired Navy SEAL Chris Beck, who came out as trans, announces detransition: ‘destroyed my life,” which got me thinking.

It was published on December 12, 2022. 

It begins; “A retired Navy SEAL who became famous nearly 10 years ago after coming out as transgender announced he is detransitioning and called on Americans to “wake up” about how transgender health services are hurting children.

Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it,” Chris Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, told conservative influencer Robby Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. “Everything that happened to me for the last ten years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life....."

He continued;There are thousands of gender clinics being put up over all of America, As soon as [kids] go in and say, ‘I’m a tomboy or this makes me feel comfortable’ and then a psychologist says, ‘oh, you’re transgender’. And then the next day you’re on hormones – the same hormones they are using for medical castration for pedophiles. Now they are giving this to healthy 13-year-olds.”

Concluding; “This is a billion-dollar industry between psychologists, between surgeries, between hormones, between chemicals, between follow-up treatments." “There are thousands of gender clinics popping up all over our country. And each of those gender clinics is going to be pulling in probably over $50 million.”

His declaration may be the most publicized, but it is not the first time I am reading about someone who had regrets about doing the gender change.

His experience is something every parent should take note of, for although he was an adult when he chose to take that mammoth step, regularly, you see stories about youngsters making the demand for gender change these days.

Sure, it may be an American issue now, but you know how America leads the world in these matters, so although you may not think it is relevant in your society now, it sure will be someday.


  1. Thanks for writing on this topic. I'm totally against what they're doing to these children. Lots of parents are putting them through these procedures and it's really the medics who are reaping the benefits. I'd read Chris Beck's article and he's so right. Many more will live to regret it.

  2. Has to be criminal , to have these kids who can’t even purchase a lotto ticket legally , make such life changing decisions …
