Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Feminists arise!

😒To many people, especially misogynists, feminism is a bad word.

Regardless, I am an unapologetic feminist, for without us, women would still be in the dark ages.

I think the reason why this movement may not be as aggressive and proactive as it was, is because modern day women in the West were born into the era when most women have rights to equal pay, rights to own property, equality in marriage, right to vote etc.  

Happily, too, along with the Me-Too movement, many powerful male sexual predators are either in jail or realizing that what had been open season on women’s bodies is coming to an end.

However, the conversation about who should control a woman’s body still needs to be confronted frontally and regularly, in view of the courts overturning Roe v Wade and most Republican legislators in the USA usurping the role of medical advisors and hanging on to the idea that men should decide what women can do with their bodies.

A new problem that must cause us to take note and become proactive, is how we relate to transgender women.

For as a woman, I find it concerning that some of our rights are being trampled as unfair advantages are being given to people who reject their anatomical gender and now call themselves transgender.

I have no problem if people want to adopt  any gender they feel and even take steps to reinforce this by doing operations to change it.

It is their right (as adults) to do what they want with their bodies as long as they don’t infringe on the rights of others.

My first concern arose when transgender athletes started to dominate women's sports, giving persons who had developed superior physical strength as men, a natural advantage when they became women.

The most well-known case is at the University of Pennsylvania where swimmer, Lia Thomas, who could not win a meet when competing as male, ended up dominating everything when he became a female!

His case is not at all unique for even in now in the martial arts, this is creating a problem.

Worse, the attitude of some courts is troubling. For example, just recently, a Federal appeals court in Connecticut, threw out a case brought by four high school girls who claimed that state’s trans-inclusive sports policy violated their civil rights and deprived them of a “chance to be champions.

I don’t often agree with Republicans, but so far, 10  Republican led states (last being Texas) have passed laws banning transgender women or girls in sports based on the premise it gives them an unfair competitive advantage.

I endorse that move by the ten totally, but what are the other states doing? I suspect they will continue to drag their feet until feminists really get moving!

Then there is the troubling issue of men claiming claiming to have changed their gender but they have kept their penises.

By all means they can do what they want with their bodies but they should not be allowed to use female facilities where they can endanger/exploit women and children.

So far, it has been reported that in New Jersey, a so-called transgender woman got three inmates in a prison pregnant!

And according to a recent story in the New York Post, a 17-year-old was totally traumatized after seeing a transgender exposing his/her penis in the female bathroom at the YWCA.

I am positive there are many more cases like these which have not been reported nationally, but without action, it is only a matter of time before cases like these or worse, rape in female bathrooms, will become the norm if not cauterized.

Why the hell does someone who claims he feels female need a penis anyway?

Yes respect, people’s rights to be anything they want to be but they surely must not be allowed to make women afraid, victimized and endangered.

We must never forget that without eternal vigilance we are in constant danger of losing out in the game of life!

PS. More countries need to sit up and take notice of how this troubling  matter was handled in Scotland. 

See report in the Guardian  on 26, 2023. 

Its headlined.'

  • Trans woman found guilty of rape moved to men’s prison 6 Jan 2023 14.46 EST

Isla Bryson, a transgender woman found guilty of raping two w


  1. We are certainly living in interesting times.. and as the saying goes, the longest liver see the most...

  2. If a transgender person has fully adopted his/her new state meaning that sexual organs match the gender, then restroom use is okay. The thing is how can fellow users know? Confusing times especially as there are various choices such as ‘gender fluid.’

  3. Things and Time changing so some people change gender at will. Sad times when morality is at the lowest point

  4. I am 100% in agreement with you, there has to be aline.

  5. I agree totally. If you claim to be a complete woman then cut off the penis. Then again there's no such thing as half woman. Quite unfair to female athletes. More rapes to come.
