Wednesday, March 22, 2023


In my book, there is no better way to learn about a country than through its museums. 

Art museum 

With our trip to Roben island being cancelled because of the rough seas, we therefore reversed our itinerary to take these in today.

While I did an entire blog on the Iziko Slave Lodge which is the most fascinating museum I have ever visited in my short life, the others I visited are mentioned below. 

The Natural Science museum and planetarium 

The Art gallery was excellent, the Planetarium educational and entertaining but I was a bit disappointed with the Natural Science Museum , considering the diversity of animals on the continent and it's role in the evolutionary process.

 Remember these are my views😊.

The walk to these museums was beautiful as we had to tread through the lush, beautiful Company Gardens lying below the ever-present Table Top Mountain.

Although I absolutely love Table Top Mountain which hovers lovingly and protectively over every angle of Cape Town, not being a lover of heights, the cold or cable cars,  I was not excited about going to the very top, but my cousin Anette was, so we separated.

Anette at the peak

 She sent me some great pictures  from above which is good enough for me.

So back to the museums.

Walking around Cape Town is pleasant and easy as every block has working pedestrian lights, the drivers are super-polite and careful and one feels safe as there are uniformed security people all over.

These are not armed guards and they don’t even appear obtrusive. On the contrary, they are extremely helpful, pleasant and knowledgeable but their presence is clearly effective.

At the museum gallery, I was particularly fascinated by the role stone art plays in improving knowledge of our history. 

Never thought about it before!

This entire display was made from empty bottles 

The icing on the cake was running into a free jazz concert on the way home. For Cape Town is famous for jazz.

This was held at Green Market Square to commemorate the public holiday, Human Rights Day (21st March).

Pictures from Annette’s trek to the peak.

1 comment:

  1. Educational. Seems like so much to do and see. Nice pics. The jazz sounded good.
