Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Scammers everywhere!

 Scamming is now so pervasive, that one can be excused if one gets paranoid. 


I am about to visit South Africa and to be secure, had booked an airport taxi transfer to the city. This was done through an international airport transfer service and it was confirmed giving me driver name etc. 

Just like Lyft or Uber. 

But this morning, I got a WhatsApp  text from what looks like a Chinese area code asking me to confirm my pickup info. So I went to the web page of the company and sent them a secure message. 

Low and behold they do not correspond in that manner! 

It is such a regular thing with scammers sending messages allegedly from companies like Amazon, Netflix etc, hoping you will reply so they can get your info.

It’s really tiresome😡. 

I even had to change from Uber to Lyft some years ago after a man called my number and said they came to pick me up at Ft. Lauderdale airport, but neither his license plate nor name corresponded to what Uber had sent me. 

So I refused to take his service and cancelled Uber.

This constant double check can really get tiresome but in these days of scammers, it is so necessary. 

Damn pests.


  1. Joan Williams I thought it was only in Jamaica that these things happen. Lots of Jamaicans who now resides abroad give the impression that Jamaica is the worst place on Earth. And the foreign

  2. Just be careful and happy trails my friend!

  3. It’s international. Canada, India and all over Asia is taken over by scammers😡

  4. That's scary indeed. Agree with the double checking, and staying precautious- better to be safe than sorry and it is international.

  5. Scammers in all forms and manner is worldwide as far as I can see it. You think scammer started from Jamaica??

  6. Scammers everywhere and in everything. They're like termites.
