Monday, March 27, 2023

Taking a break

 I was forced to take a break today (27/3, my daughter’s birthday) as the body went on strike. Yup I think I am thirty but it reminded me that I am staring down 80!

Two days ago I started to cough and sneeze then yesterday, got a thorough soaking at the falls.

Not complaining though, for it has been my life’s dream to visit Victoria Falls, and it exceeded all expectations. So, even if it killed me, it would have been worth it.☺️

Would you believe we ran into other Jamaicans there!  Three young ladies, and incidentally, the two sisters are from Santa Cruz, ten miles from where I am from. (Malvern).

The other young lady was from Old Harbor and they are after my own heart, as we ran into them on the lion walk later. They are staying on the Zimbabwe side of the falls but we are on the Zambia side.

And talking about Jamaica, every time someone expressed delight at meeting a Jamaican (they know about us through people like Bolt, Marley, Peter Tosh, Burning Spear etc) I ask them if they know where Jamaica is. 

No one in Zambia or South Africa did, giving answers ranging from America, Asia, Africa to Europe. 

Everyone we asked n Zimbabwe did though.

Very interesting 🧐 

Cold receding but whenever I stand, not feeling too good.

My cousin Anette has gone on a tour of Livingstone, but I wasn’t interested anyway.

If I feel better, may walk around to the croc farm to see how it compares to our premier attraction in Black River and if feeling great, will probably walk to the waterfront although I suspect only boats and restaurants are there. 

Adventurous Jamaicans all😊

Otherwise will just watch tv.

The internet here is not too hot as can’t upload pics as each one takes forever. Today it was off for most of the day.

That’s life.


  1. Happy to share in your adventures and journey..fancy running into girls from our back yard..anyway, despite your "brave ness"..take special care of yourself..Covid is not over and you still have more in your bucket list to discover..thanks again πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΏ

  2. Cuz, thanks for the update on your latest foray on the African contingent. I continue to live vicariously through in this respect, and enjoying everything. Thanks. - Junior
