Thursday, March 30, 2023

The lion queen

I don’t know where I got this cat thing! 😊 

But I always feel so at one with them, big cats or little cats. 

Maybe I was a cat in my past life. 

Seriously though, my first memory of this life is seeing cats all around my bedroom, and be they big cats or little cats,  I have always just wanted to cuddle them. 

Can you therefore imagine my absolute delight when I got the privilege of bottle-feeding a baby white tiger in Thailand?

From then, I lived for the day when I could do the same to a lion cub. 

It was not to be though. 

However, I did get the opportunity to take four lion cubs for a walk in Zambia, even holding their tales as we walked. 😊

And I got to caress their backs😊. 

I had to walk behind them though as the trainers say, if you go in front, they may think you are prey to be hunted.

These cubs have never been in the wild though. 

There were 2 females and 2 males from the same pride. They are around a year and a half old and will be exposed to strangers until they are three years old.

 Then they are retired and gradually rehabilitated to be with other animals in a secure environment. 

Their father didn’t like us though but I still loved him❤️😊

Yup, I finally made it to the 'big' catwalk 😊



  1. You brave to rahtid... notice your friend wasn't into the patting..😉

  2. Charlene NevadomskiApril 7, 2023 at 9:40 AM

    So blessed to have a wonderful experience with being with the cats! I wish I was there with you!

  3. You are brave Joan but again you were on the wild side lol!! Bravo, lucky you than me.!
