Monday, April 3, 2023

Last lick

We have now left the motherland and are on our way to Florida.

After flying 8 hours from Lusaka to Dubai, we had a long layover and took a tour to Lahbab Desert which is an hour and a half away.

And guess what? Met another Jamaican who had gone to Bali and Philippines and was also hanging out in Dubai during the long layover before heading to Miami.She is going back to Jamaica on Wednesday. 

So wonderful to see Jamaican young people traveling the world!❤️ She went on another tour but we headed to the desert.

There we got to ride the camels and frolic over high a treacherous sand dunes with an expert driver in an SUV.

Flying through the dunes felt at times like being in a roller coaster ride and others, like being on rough seas in a small power boat.

It was a lot of fun though.

On our return to Dubai we asked the young man to drop us at the famous Dubai Mall, a man-made beauty.

It’s really magnificent (and expensive!) and shows to some extent, what you can do when you have unlimited petro-dollars!

Now all I have is memories of the wonderful adventure we experienced over the past few weeks.

They will last me a lifetime 😊.

Picture Gallery 


Dubai international airport is the most humongous airport I have ever seen in my life! 

We took Uber from downtown and told the driver we were going on Emirates airline. Clearly he didn’t know about the airport either, but he can be forgiven as he told us he had only been in Dubai for six months. 

He is actually from nearby Indian Kashmir and incidentally, Dubai seems to have a huge number of Indians and Pakistanis working there.

Anyway he dropped us off at international departure only for us to discover that we had to take the Metro to get to Emirates’ gate!That’s how huge the place is and busy and expensive too.

But all’s well that went well and we had the experience of a lifetime every day everywhere.😊


  1. That’s ending on a super high note! Bravo!!!👏🏽👏🏽

  2. Three weeks well spent!

  3. You have had a great adventure, congratulations! That's the wander and inquisitive nature of you! Bravo!

  4. I'm pretty sure, you must have exhausted your bucket list by understand the word 'living' totally..glad you enjoyed your explorations fully and back home safely..
