Saturday, June 24, 2023

Touring Accra

 Today we should have gone to Shai Hills to see animals, but it was raining hard in the morning and the weather report predicted all day rain.

As usual,  they were wrong😡.

 Unfortunately we never knew they were until later, so we played tourist around Accra.

First we went to the colorful craft market.

Xylophone maker demonstrates his craft 

In the colorful craft market 

Then on to Black Star Square, also known as Independence Square.

At Black Star Square. The round building behind is the stadium.

This is the Kwame Nkrumah memorial

The square was completed in 1961 and it's where the annual independence celebrations as well as other national events and military parades are held.

The black star, (otherwise called the "Lodestar of African Freedom",) became the symbol of Pan Africanism and anti-colonialism in 1957  and was used in the design of the Flag of Ghana.

Then we went to the W.E.B DuBois museum.

I had no idea this outstanding black American intellectual and civil rights activist had moved to Ghana when his passport was seized by the American authorities.

 He lived there from age 92 to his death at age 95.

He was given a home by the government and was highly honored, mainly for his intellectual works which is said to appear in 1800 publications.

His home above, is where the museum is housed.

The street outside also bears his name 

The outside of his museleum 

His robes. He was the first black man to get his PHd at Harvard. He was 28.

Pictures of black female freedom fighters displayed on one wall. Among them is our National  Hero Nanny.

Our knowledgeable tour guide

Then it was back to the hotel where as usual many parties are hosted, mainly on the weekend.

Dining room staff singing happy birthday to a guest.

The ladies below are the ushers for a special shindig.

1 comment:

  1. Another very interesting post. Thanks again.
