Saturday, August 5, 2023

Celebrating independence

 Miramar, could be described as the "little Jamaica" of Broward County in Florida. For despite having close to 135 ,000 residents with an equal number of Hispanics and blacks, the entire city council is either Jamaican or descendents.

So it is not strange to find the city hosting several events to celebrate Jamaica.

That's where my friend Carol and I headed to kick off our Independence celebrations (2023).

The crowd got much larger as night fell.

While those who came to eat stayed outside where they had a host of food trucks, the action was inside the hall, due to the unpredictable weather, I suspect.

Admittedly,  we got lost as we initially thought the event was at their fancy City Hall, so kept disobeying our GPS. When we finally followed it's instructions, we arrived at an abandoned building, as the venue had changed. 

But we finally made it to the correct location.
The crowd became much denser after nightfall.

My only disappointment is that I did not hear enough of the past festival songs when we were there.

But all's well that ends well and we had a good time. 

1 comment:

  1. Miramar is really Ja's capital i0n FL. I can see you had a grand time. 😄
