Monday, August 14, 2023

Crooked streets😁

Beautiful flowers beside the walkway on Lombard Street.

The only street more crooked than Lombard Street is Wall Street!

View of San Francisco Bay from Lombard Street

Motorists inch their way gingerly around the corners on Lombard Street.

The crack above was made by the tour bus driver as we passed the bottom of Lombard Street on our way to Muir Woods.
Yea. He got a few chuckles 😁

This tree was planted in 909AD and fell in 1930!

These trees put us humans into perspective!

Muir Woods National Monument is part of California’s Golden Gate National Recreation Area, north of San Francisco. It’s known for its towering old-growth redwood trees. They are humongous and tend to grow in clusters, called family circles.

Some of the redwoods are nearly 1,000 years old and reach heights of more than 250 feet.

The only animals we saw there though were deers and a few chipmunks although the information we got said coyotes and wolves also roam

These trees are really humongous.

To get there we drove on a road similar to ours in Jamaica from Newcastle to Buff, Bay, Portland

Naturally cyclists were taking the opportunity to barrel off the hills and round the corners, just as we often did on our similar road.☺ Sure brought back great memories.

For the return trip to San Francisco we had the option of staying on the bus or taking the ferry from nearby Sausalito.

This is where the super rich like director George Lucas and Carlos Santana live. 

It is said that Lucas's farm has its  own fire department for his over 2000 acre farm!

Saulsilito Main Street.

Houses on the nearby islands go for $30 million up.

Alcatraz in the background 

Saulsilito monument 

A house boat in the back is built to look like the Taj Mahal. 

A weird looking houseboat

Houseboats abound.

As a water lover, the choice was clear.😊.

The Bay is beautiful from the sea.

My schoolmate Sonja and I went touring today.

Sections of the Golden Gate bridge are visible despite the thick fog.

San Francisco is beautiful coming in on the ferry.

Another wonderful day on planet earth.

Give thanks.

1 comment:

  1. It's really City by the Bay. Love the pics. I always worry that the regular fires will destroy all those trees that's been there for so many years.
