Sunday, September 24, 2023

Much improved

 This is my second visit to the Native American festival and it has certainly improved.

This is an annual Indian festival hosted by the Miccosukee Tribe on the grounds of their casino. 

This is one of the many active native American tribes operating in Florida.

The first time I went to the festival, it struck me as only a way of increasing traffic to it's casino,  but this year it was far more family oriented.

There were far more rides for kids and even a petting zoo.

 They  also had many more stalls with native crafts and food.

It's quite a difficult task, but Indians from the over 500 tribes still existing in the USA, are working hard to not only maintain their cultures but also sharing it with the rest of the world, we were informed. 

One tool used is through dance rituals.

At the festival today, a number of dances were exhibited. Dancers are drawn from all over the nation, including  Oklahoma, Florida, Wisconsin etc.

The sole female dancer did a rain dance.

The dance troops not only use their craft to entertain Americans, but also, they go on tours all over Europe, we were informed.

My personal favorite was the alligator wrestling show though.

This year, the alligator was a bit more aggressive than the one I saw when I attended a few years before. 

It was a 9 foot critter.

The theme this year depicted a young brave going off by himself to capture a gator for food. His only weapon was a stick and after tiring out the gator for a bit, he moved in to hold it and tie its mouth with barks from a  tree. 

But the gator got agitated and the M.C had to jump in and help him.

 After the gator was subdued, the brave turned it over on its back so it would go to sleep.

 It actually did, or so it appeared to me.πŸ˜•

Only then could he be able to put it in his canoe and take it home, he explained.

I am sure that in the olden days, many braves were killed before they perfected that technique!

It was interesting but a bit heart stopping at times.

Incidentally, I learned that the Miccosukee have their own police force but when I saw an African American driving one of the cars and asked about it, he told me it's called that but there are no native Americans in their squad.😊.


What would the festival be without a ride in the swamp on the air boat?


 So that topped it off for me.

Good day, great entertainment and educational too!

Youtube link;


  1. As usual you're so brave. Those gators probably really nipped a few πŸ˜„ 🀣

  2. I am not brave. The guy catching the gator is😁
