Friday, February 9, 2024

Perception is reality

 I like Joe Biden for I think he is a really decent man who cares a lot about his country. And no one can deny that he has done a remarkable job in building back the economy of the USA after the devastation of covid.

In fact, I can say without any fear of contradiction, that based on his performance over the past four years, Joe Biden can go out in an unprecedented shower of glory.

The fact is though, like every human being who ever visited the planet, he is getting old and it shows clearly every day.

When he appeared at the press conference to address the special council's report into him having classified documents, despite being clearly energised by the anger he felt because the report described him as 'an elderly man with poor memory" he definitely looked and sounded shaky.

So the democrats can scream and shout as much as they like about this characterization being false, unfair whatever, and give personal testimonials of how sharp he is, he just looks shaky!

 His staff knows that too and that's why he is shielded from press conferences etc. 

No, Trump cannot be compared to Biden for he is a criminal, a cad, a man who cares only about himself. 

Also, he too is an elderly man with poor memory, and apart from the MAGA crowd, no one anywhere in the world, would want to see back as the President of the most powerful country in the world.

But that does not change the fact that Biden clearly does not appear to be able to lead the country for another four years and Kamla Harris gives no one any comfort as the hier apparent!

Its not too late to honor Joe and send him off into the sunset with a gold medal for what he has done for his country, for he deserves every honor for public service and personal sacrifice.

However, the Democratic Party urgently needs to wake up and face the fact that as far as voters are concerned, not only is perception is reality, but also, its now worse than only perception, as even the most dedicated Democrats can see him fading before their eyes.

The thought of a return by Trump is just too dangerous to even contemplate, so they need to stop procrastinating!


1 comment:

  1. It's not too late for the Dems to put another candidate forward. He doesn't look like he last till yr end much less election. Give it up now!!
