Thursday, March 21, 2024


I am so happy that I ended up in Broward County in Florida, when I retired after almost 50 years of hard labor in my homeland, Jamaica.

Actually, Florida was never in my sights, but thanks to the horrid weather in Colorado, I flew south quickly🥶and made a perfect landing.


When I first got here, I only knew of one cousin, his wife and had one close friend living here. But would you believe that in no time I reunited with/found more family, friends and acquaintances living here than I knew at home😊!
Absolutely wonderful.

 I quickly learned that of the almost two million people who legally call this county home, (2021 figures) 16% are from the English Speaking Caribbean and more than 100,000 of those are Jamaicans! So everything my stomach pines for is here😊. 
                                                                                  The Jamaican experience here is certainly made more enjoyable too, by the involvement and excellent proactive performance of our culturally involved Consul General Oliver 
Mair.  His lecture series are well planned and executed too.                                                                                                    
This month's topic was; The art of Storytelling and it was held at the Island Space Caribbean Museum, which I was not even aware of before. (Joan, my views: A fun afternoon (

Front view of Island Space Caribbean Museum
To tell the truth, when my fellow Jamaican friend Carol told me about the event, I decided to attend but was not all that enthused.

However, when I left, l certainly was! 

This was the first time that I was even aware that Jamaica has an annual story telling competition.

A few Videos from some previous performances were shown  and they were certainly entertaining, heartwarming and hilarious. (Well known comedian Blakka Ellis had entered one and as usual he was super humorous.😂) 
Debra Ehrardt in action
The presenter was Debra Ehrardt, whom I soon learned is an accomplished Jamaican playwright, actress and story teller. She conducts the competition at home.                                             
                    She demonstrated her storytelling prowess/expertise and had us falling us off our chairs.                                                                                         Visiting the Caribbean Museum was also another eye opener for me.                                                                                                                 It is located at Broward Mall and according to it's web page, it's vision is; To elevate  the  profile  of  Caribbean  art, history  and  culture  in every  form  throughout  South Florida  and  the  broader diaspora."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     It   has  quite  a  few  interesting  and  educational   exhibits  .  We    were    informed     that  Cedella     Marley     has     promised    to    donate     one     of     Bob Marley's     guitars    to    their  growing     collection.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      They     hope    to    have     that    on    display    soon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I  t      was     an other     enjoyable ,  educational     and     interesting      event     indeed.

It    was  an other  enjoyabe ,  educational   and   interesting    event   inde 
Some  pictures  from  the  museum

Calibe Thompson, a co-founder of the museum

Consul General Oliver Mair introduces actor/playwright Ricky Rowe

Created from plastic bags!



  1. Never knew it existed either, lovely 🥰

  2. News to me too. I hope it grows and attracts more interest.
