Tuesday, April 23, 2024

We owe the Greeks!

In front of Archeological Museum in Athens

The Archeological Museum in Athens sell off. Omg. 

For $12 euros, there is so much to learn!

The Greek artistic Renaissance dates back to the 7 th century BC, but because their sculptures were mainly carved from bronze and marble, the damage over the centuries have been minimal. 

These bronze statues from shipwrecks are now displayed in the sculpture garden. They were found in deep under the sea.

Of course they have worked a great deal to restore them, but considering some were found up to 50 meters (around 160 feet) under water, and restored.

Absolutely amazing.

Others were found in graves, on grave stones of the wealthy and in regular digs.

The Greeks surely created art and  carved statues for everything

The gold displays from the Mycenaean Age were especially magnificent.

 They used pure gold strips to make utensils, vases clothes, jewelry, even cover the buttons on the clothes of the wealthy. I was especially overwhelmed by their death masks carved from gold too.

Ancient Greek artists celebrated the male human body with all its flaws, claiming it was more beautiful than the female form. So,
while most male statues were of nudes,  the women were clad.

Posing with Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus and the goddess of love and beauty.

 Did you notice that the men are usually nude, but the women well clad?

This sculpture was lost in a shipwreck and found deep underwater centuries later.

In the Sculpture Garden.

There is controversy as to whether this is a statue of Zeus or Poseidon. It was found underwater.

The women were never displayed naked.

 Of special interests to me, is the fact that the hair of both men and women seem to be in either neat locks or braids?

Very Curious!

I am happy they restored so much their art over the centuries, as it adds a great deal to the history and culture of the world.

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