Sunday, May 19, 2024

93 and chugging along😊

I can't think of anyone I have known all my life on this planet, apart from my immediate family. 

Apart from the  Ramsay's.

Sybil youngest son Hon. Peter Davis, starts the proceedings.

They lived in Middle Quarters, nextdoor to my grandparents, so everytime I visited my grandmother, I saw them.

                  Second son Robert, with Camara

Sybil, or rather Dr. Sybil Davis, who turned 93 years old this week, is only one of three surviving members of the children of that family, so I was honored to be able to celebrate the milestone with her.

The birthday girl with her eldest son

She has been consistently celebrating her birthday every year, (since I moved to Florida) but this year she declared it would be the last. 

Hope it isn't, as I always look forward to the get together.

My cousin Barry, serenading the birthday girl

Her brother, the late Father Ken Ramsay, had been one of my closest friends in Jamaica for decades, but he died during Thanksgiving weekend, about 4 years ago.

Always missing him.

 Apart from being a priest, he was an accomplished water color artist, and I am happy Sybil gave me this painting from his collection, as it cements my memory of him.

A watercolor by the late father Ken Ramsay

Sybil is of course a Taurean as I am, (our birthdays are four days apart) so her parties have  always been more or less mine too.😊.

So hoping next year's will be on as usual.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Dr. Sybil Ramsay. Pray you will hold out in good health and continued happiness to see and celebrate the century, as Rohan's family would love to celebrate with you. Hod bless you. ( Rohan is Vincent Marshall's son).
