Saturday, June 8, 2024

Celebrating the Big 8

Cultural activist, renowned artist/musician, playwright, mentor and businessman Colin Smith, ( aka Barry) had no idea what was waiting for him at Island Space museum as he walked leisurely in Broward Mall, Florida, with his granddaughter, talented jazz singer/musician Alyssa (McDoom).

For although he suspected all week that something was being planned for his birthday, as his wife Anette, son Tariq, and daughters Kellie, Anika and Colleen kept whispering furtively, but shutting up as he approached, he couldn't imagine the scope. 

 A surprised Colin arrives with        granddaughter Alyssa.

.....and immediately caught the vibes 😊.

Some of the Smith siblings pay tribute to their famous brother Colin.

Son Tariq was the MC

It was a well planned affair, beautifully decorated venue, delicious food and a room full of happy friends and family who had come from all over the USA and Trinidad, to shower their friend and in many cases, mentor, with lots of love for his 80th birthday.

Daughter Colleen at entrance of venue.

Wife Anette surrounded by friends

Youngest of his siblings Hayden.

Some pieces of his art were on display.

Posing with my cousin Milton and wife Joan 

Alyssa serenades grandad Colin.

Other friends born in June, cut the cake with Colin.

Proud son Tariq toasts his mentor

                                                       Colin's band, Tallawah, entertains.

                 Dub poet Malachi left his own anniversary celebration to herald his friend.

It was an enjoyable, well planned, and executed affair for someone who has done so well for his family and kept his country's flag flying culturally in Florida.

We look forward to the big 81.

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